Edible Boston

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Alison Arnett, Rayna Jhaveri and Lesley Mahoney O'Connell

ALISON, RAYNA and LESLEY are all regular contributors to Edible Boston. We couldn’t think of a better trio to tackle the task of profiling these Dozen Doyennes. Be sure to follow their writing wherever they’re printed.

ALISON ARNETT is a freelance writer, concentrating on food and agricultural topics. She was formerly the restaurant critic and food writer of the Boston Globe. She also teaches a Writing about Food class for Harvard Extension School.

RAYNA JHAVERI is a TV chef on the Emmy-nominated cooking show Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television. She's also a standup comedian, improv musician and executive performance trainer. For more information and bookings, go to raynajhaveri.com.

LESLEY MAHONEY O’CONNELL is a South Dartmouth-based writer, editor and content strategist who loves a new food find, whether at a farmers market, restaurant or local purveyor. She can be reached at lesleyoconnell2@gmail.com.