Pork and Parsnip Stew with Leeks and Prunes
MAIN DISHES, WHAT'S IN SEASON, SPRING, RECIPESSarah Blackburnwhats in season parsnips, parsnips, spring-dug parsnips, spring recipes, spring 2018, stew, pork, recipes, recipe, spring, to add pork
Party Time Pork Sandwich
edible cooks, FALL, SANDWICHES, RECIPESLeigh Belangerpork sandwich, party snacks, fall 2017, get outside, MAIN COURSES, recipes, recipe, pork, to add pork, fall, Fall, Fall 2017
Pork, Prune & Apple Pot Pies
edible basics, WINTER, BAKING / DESSERTS, MAIN DISHES, RECIPESSarah Blackburnsavory pies, winter 2016, recipes, recipe, pork, apple, prune, winter, to add pork