My committment this summer is to STOCK UP ON LOCAL BERRIES!
I am committed to buying native berries starting with strawberries in June and gradually grazing my way through the blackberries, raspberries and blueberries in July and August.
I am committed to purchasing the berries at local farms, farmer’s markets and specialty markets.
I am committed to extending the berry season by freezing whole berries for special winter treats; by making berry purees for easy dessert sauces; and by making berry vinegars to add to salads, sauces and marinades. Easy! No heavy lifting and no time consuming processing.
I am further committed to not purchasing berries out of season. This will take a little planning yet it is an easy manageable goal.
When selecting berries, in particular strawberries, it is not the color or the size that is important, it’s the smell. Choose berries with sweet perfume fragrance that can fill a room. Slightly underripe berries can be left to ripen at room temperature for up to one day.
We decided on the following recipes to showcase the versatility of berries…they’re not just for dessert you know!